Ad Effectiveness Research

Instreamatic AI-generated Ads increased key brand metrics of both generic and contextual creatives for a major consumer electronics brands

AI-generated audio ads drive 10%+ higher performance

A research by Instreamatic and dentsu demonstrated that AI-generated audio ads improved key brand metrics in a campaign promoting a line of laptops for a major electronics brand. 

Generic ads increased brand favorability by 9 percentage points. Personalized ads took it a step further, increasing brand favorability by 22 percentage points.

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Research Background

Both generic and personalized AI-generated ads were delivered into a streaming audio listening environment. That same audience was recontacted and surveyed 48 hours later to measure key brand metrics.

Results were compared to a surveyed, look-a-like control audience who did not receive the ad to provide insight on the impact of a campaign at scale.



Lacked personalized touches, offering no tailored calls-to-action (CTAs) or integration with situational elements.


Crafted with relevance in mind, mentioning the publisher, creating urgency with a countdown to Black Friday, and guiding users toward a purchase with a specific retailer.

Generic Ads created by Instreamatic AI increased brand metrics by 3 to 9 PPT

Purchase Intent Purchase Intent

Purchase Intent

Brand Favorability Brand Favorability

Brand Favorability

Users Want Personalization

Users are 73% more likely to pay attention to a personalized ad

Users are 60% more likely to purchase from a brand that personalizes

Personalized AI-generated ads outperformed generic ones by 12-22 PPT

Brand Awareness Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

Brand Favorability Brand Favorability

Brand Favorability

Purchase Intent Purchase Intent

Purchase Intent

Instreamatic AI-generated ads elevated brand metrics for all audiences. Generic creatives increased metrics by 3-9 ppt, while personalized ones surpassed with a remarkable 22 ppt in some cases.

Together with Instreamatic, dentsu and the major electronics brand were able to launch a high-performing, personalized audio ad campaign, significantly reducing production time and costs.

The study was conducted by Veritonic.

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Unlimited Ads
Unlimited Ads
Say goodbye to production bottlenecks. Create as many generic or contextual ads as needed in minutes
No more excessive production costs. Achieve unprecedented scale at a fraction of the price
Real-time Optimization
Real-time Optimization
Stay ahead of the curve with dynamic, real-time adjustments based on audience engagement and feedback, ensuring your ads are always at their peak performance


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